This was huge for me! Way out of my comfort zone. The little voices in my head started to remind me that we were away from civilization (only a mile or so ) and it was cold, and quiet and I started to panic...What am I doing here? Why am I doing this? What if something happens to one of us? We could die!!!
We selected our spot, safe in the trees. First we had to tap down a circle of snow to make our snow shelter border. Then we had to pile up snow. Next we tapped it down with our shovels and snowshoes and then we had to wait and let the snow bond. It sounds so simple, but it took a long time.
We built a "kitchen" area where we put our fire barrel for heating water and getting a bit of warmth. This is just up a path from our two snow shelters. While the snow is bonding it is time for some food to get some necessary energy for the next part of our project.
Hot chocolate and some hot food are a necessity out here!. We built quick snow benches to sit on with our bum pads.
After the snow bonds it is time to dig out the snow shelter. While someone is inside digging out, others are on the outside placing pipes in through the walls. The digger has to keep the walls to the desired thickness so they look for the pipes and dig til they see them . After the snow shelter is dug out it is time to wait again for the snow to ice over before you climb in.
It looks so awesome from in here!

We put a blanket over the door to keep in the warmth. Yes, it is cozy and warm inside a snow shelter.
My cute snow buddy. Yes, those smiles were genuine! We slept great and were happy to be there!
Look at the strength of our snow shelter!
Snow shelters are hard work but where else can you get an adventure like this? It was so worth it!
Be sure to go with an experienced snow shelter builder or study up on how to do it properly.
Here's a place you can look for more information:
What we took with us:
- Clothing: Base layer- sock liners, thermals, glove liners. Middle layer-leggings or other polyester pants, warm shirt and or sweater or jacket, Warmth layer- warm socks, snow pants, winter coat, gloves, hat, scarf, boots.
- Sleep clothing- You need a new, dry set of clothes. Start with new underwear, thermals and some cozy polyester pj's or whatever you prefer, a warm fleece jacket, a hat for sleeping, some warm socks. Keep your wet clothes at the bottom of your sleeping bag. In the morning they will be dry and ready to put on for the journey out.
- Personal hygiene- lip balm, hand sanitizer, toothbrush, go-girl- can I say how nice it is to not have to bare all in the freezing cold? Awesome device! But practice before with it at home to be sure you get it right (see and TP, take a ziploc bag for your device and used TP to keep it separate, bandana (my choice for runny winter nose)
- Sleeping- Tarp, we took rolls or carpet pad, closed cell foam pads, fleece sleeping bag liner or blanket, warm sleeping bag
- Food-We take freeze dried meals. This time for dinner we had Beef Strogonoff from Daily Bread (Delicious!) and Biscuits and Gravy by Mountain House for breakfast, hot chocolate and a bag of snacks including Clif bars, trail mix, beef jerky, fruit snacks and Gardettos. Water put into pouches to keep them from freezing. At night we buried water bottles 14" down in snow. It didn't freeze. You also need to have plenty of water for drinking all through the process and with you in the tent to drink. Plan on drinking lots of water. You will need to replenish and stay hydrated after all your hard work.
- Eating Gear-We take metal cups with their own cozies made out of closed cell foam, food cozies made out of closed cell foam, spoons,
- Building gear- pvc pipes cut to our wall size to push into the snow for digging guides, small shovels. We took a wool blanket to put over the door.
- Cooking gear-We had a stove, gas bottles, a fire barrel, fire wood, a water kettle. We have since thought that we could probably forgo the stove and heat the water on the fire barrel and save ourselves some gear.
- A sled to put it all in. Bungies to tie the tarp across all the gear for hauling. We had backpacks full of our personal gear. Some of us put them in the sleds and some kept them on our backs. Snow shoes and trekking poles.
- Take a buddy!
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