"Adventure is not outside man,
it is within."
Samuel Butler
On our way to a church meeting out of town, we ran over a nail on the freeway. Why is this an adventure? Well, it was windy and the ground was wet with snow. We had a chance to test out what we had to take care of it...and what we wished we had. Our crew this day consisted of me, my husband, two sons and one daughter.

Jack to take off a flat tire...check. Tarp to kneel on to protect the suit...check. Now where to find the spare? I had wondered where it was. I was asked to look into it. We had downloaded the manual and had it at home on the computer. I was feeling pretty rotten that I hadn't done it until we were in this predicament! Human nature probably...put off until needed tasks that seem unimportant at the moment!

Luckily I had google at my fingertips and it led me to this plug on the floor between the driver and passenger seats (plug is removed above) to reveal a rod to twist with the end of the jack which would lower the tire on a cable under the car.

Not seen in the picture is a handy tool...an air pump we plugged into the charger port when we saw our spare was flat. We filled up the tire and were on our way soon after.

A blanket we keep in the van it is actually protecting my two youngest from the wind and cold while we have the hatch open in the back.
Now for what we wish we had with us....gloves and hats. When we left for church we didn't expect to have any problems. Usually we attend a church a few blocks from our home but this time we were heading out of town for several miles. We will think better next time and remember the cold morning on the side of the snowy, windy freeway and gather some simple items "just in case".
During our ordeal we had two kind carloads of Samaritans stop to help. We had what we needed and sent them on. It was nice to have them stop and offer to help. In truth, they didn't have what we needed but were willing to drive us to where we needed to go. Luckily we could take care of our flat and get on with our day!
We actually only missed a little of the opening song at the church meeting. It felt so good to be able to take care of this unexpected, unwanted situation without too much trouble.
On our way to a church meeting out of town, we ran over a nail on the freeway. Why is this an adventure? Well, it was windy and the ground was wet with snow. We had a chance to test out what we had to take care of it...and what we wished we had. Our crew this day consisted of me, my husband, two sons and one daughter.

Jack to take off a flat tire...check. Tarp to kneel on to protect the suit...check. Now where to find the spare? I had wondered where it was. I was asked to look into it. We had downloaded the manual and had it at home on the computer. I was feeling pretty rotten that I hadn't done it until we were in this predicament! Human nature probably...put off until needed tasks that seem unimportant at the moment!

Luckily I had google at my fingertips and it led me to this plug on the floor between the driver and passenger seats (plug is removed above) to reveal a rod to twist with the end of the jack which would lower the tire on a cable under the car.

Not seen in the picture is a handy tool...an air pump we plugged into the charger port when we saw our spare was flat. We filled up the tire and were on our way soon after.
Tools kept in the van at all times. These have come in handy many times.

A blanket we keep in the van it is actually protecting my two youngest from the wind and cold while we have the hatch open in the back.
Now for what we wish we had with us....gloves and hats. When we left for church we didn't expect to have any problems. Usually we attend a church a few blocks from our home but this time we were heading out of town for several miles. We will think better next time and remember the cold morning on the side of the snowy, windy freeway and gather some simple items "just in case".
During our ordeal we had two kind carloads of Samaritans stop to help. We had what we needed and sent them on. It was nice to have them stop and offer to help. In truth, they didn't have what we needed but were willing to drive us to where we needed to go. Luckily we could take care of our flat and get on with our day!
We actually only missed a little of the opening song at the church meeting. It felt so good to be able to take care of this unexpected, unwanted situation without too much trouble.